AZA Ungulate TAGs
2018 Midyear Meeting
Held in conjunction with the AZA Mid-Year Meeting
24-26 March 2018
Hosted by Jacksonville Zoo, Jacksonville FL
TAG Meeting Presentations
*Please note that some presentations are not available online, or are only available in a modified version, due to the presence of unpublished data or sensitive information.
AZA Ungulate TAG Chair Briefings
TAG Initiatives
Marketing Team Update - Roxanna Breitigan, Michelle Hatwood & Brent Huffman
Mentorship Program Update - Ashley Arimborgo
Behavioral Husbandry Committee Update - Amy Schilz and Becca Van Beek
Giraffe SAFE Update - Liza Dadone & Andi Kornak
โข Giraffe SAFE Marketing - RoxAnna BreitiganAction Indonesia: Global Species Management Plans
โข Banteng update - Steve Metzler
โข Babirusa and anoa update - Jeff Holland
Reports from the Field
Operation Twiga: Working Together to Save the Nubian Giraffe - Liza Dadone
Catching Hope re-purposed poaching snare program - Erin Flynn
Proyecto Tagua: Chacoan peccary conservation program - Juan Campos
Annual Ungulate Research Symposium
Use of Improvestยฎ for ovarian suppression in giraffe - Anneke Moresco
Review of AI in banteng, possible indicators for the role of stress - James Gillis
The impact of novel pheromones or novel boar introduction on estrous cycle characteristics and fecal progestogen metabolite concentrations in female Red River Hogs (Potamochoerus porcus) - Annie Newell-Fugate (presented by Linda Penfold)
North Sulawesi babirusa (Babyrousa celebensis) Reproductive Management in Zoos: Challenges and Recent Learnings - Shana Lavin
Ungulate Husbandry, Enrichment & Training Session
Living Desert Giraffe Conservation and Care Center - Wendy Enright
The Giraffe Plasma Bank and the Butterfly Effect - Liza Dadone
100 Acre Woods on the Bayou - Michael Birt & Chris St. Romain
New and Innovative Okapi Training for Voluntary Medical Procedures - Sarah Werzinske
Fiona the hippo: Facts, fandom and the art of animal management - Christina Gorsuch
Rhino TAG meeting
Rhino Research Council (RRC)
RRC Nutrition update - Katie Sullivan
Iron Overload Disorder - Katie Sullivan & Shana Lavin
San Diego Northern White Rhino Initiative - Parker Pennington
Discussion topics: Challenges and Creative Fixes for Rhino Management