Husbandry Resources

A principal goal of the AZA Ungulate TAGs is to support the best possible care and management for ungulates in human care, from collection planning to day-to-day care.


Husbandry Manuals

Husbandry Manuals provide a wealth of best-practice information based on the collective experience of AZA facilities.

Ungulate Resource Group (URG)

This volunteer team of zoological professionals assists and advises the Ungulate TAGs and individual zoological managers. These experts in their fields provide an invaluable resource for ungulate managers seeking to advance the husbandry and management of hoofstock in their care.


Ungulate Profiles

Each profile includes brief husbandry information for all 81 TAG-recommended programs.

Mixed Species Resources

An in-depth look at mixed-species exhibits with ungulates, including current, historic, and unsuccessful mixes.


Working with non-AZA partners

Space is a primary constraint when it comes to sustainability of ungulate populations. Meaningful collaborations with non-AZA partners are one way to assist with population sustainability.


Behavioral Husbandry Resources

Training and enrichment are key components to caring for wildlife. To assist facilities with their behavioral husbandry questions, the Ungulate TAGs have created a Behavioral Husbandry Committee with experts in the field.