2020 Mid-Year Meeting

UPDATE: 13 March 2020

From AZA Head Office:
In consultation with the AZA Board of Directors and due to government actions at the national, state and local levels to limit community transmission of COVID-19, we have no choice but to cancel both the Joint TAG Chairs Meeting and the AZA Mid-Year Meeting in Palm Springs, California, April 1 – 9, 2020.

This cancellation includes the Ungulate TAG meetings.

See https://midyear.aza.org/2020/index.cfm for details.

Join the herd for the 2020 AZA Ungulate TAG meetings, held in conjunction with the AZA Mid-Year Meeting in Palm Springs, CA. Spread over three days (April 4-6), the TAG Meetings will include discussions and presentations on animal science, TAG priorities, husbandry techniques, conservation programs, collection and staff management, problem-solving, and so much more! In 2020, we are also co-hosting an exciting Mixed Species Workshop with the the Avian Scientific Advisory Group (details below).

Registration is now open! For general conference information, please visit: http://midyear.aza.org/2020/index.cfm

Presentation submissions

Submitting an abstract is the first step in the process for presenting at the TAG Meetings. This is our only means of determining which presentations will be presented so abstracts should be informative and complete.  The abstract should include the presentation title, author(s), the affiliation of each author, and the text. Abstracts should be 300 words or less. Please also include a bio for each speaker that will be presenting the talk. Bios should be 150 words or less.

Please read the following information regarding presentations at the Ungulate TAG sessions:

  • Time allotted for papers will be 15 minutes with 5 minutes available for question and answer session (Total 20 minutes). Allotted time will be strictly enforced to avoid impacting other scheduled events.

  • Presentations for the Ungulate Management Session  should focus on innovative approaches and best practices in the areas of animal husbandry, nutrition, enrichment, training, restraint, guest/VIP interaction, leadership, research results, or other significant achievement. SUBMIT TO Andi Kornak amk@clevelandmetroparks.com

  • Presentations for the Reports From the Field Session can include reports on field work being conducted with any ungulate species. SUBMIT TO Michele Stancer mstancer@hoglezoo.org

  • Presentations for the Scientific Management Session  should focus on any aspect of scientific research involving ungulates including, but not limited to reproduction, contraception, nutrition and genetics. SUBMIT TO Jamie Ivy jivy@sandiegozoo.org AND Andrea Putnam aputnam@sandiegozoo.org

  • Please keep in mind that the primary audience is at a managerial level and so presentations should demonstrate broader applications.

  • Short, fun, educational digital videos may also be submitted in lieu of formal talks if they address the above topics. Videos from multiple submissions will be grouped into one presentation slot. Please contact the appropriate session moderator below if you are submitting a video/or videos outside of the context of a presentation so that arrangements can be made to submit the video via drop box or other compatible means.

  • Audio and visual equipment will be provided (PowerPoint projector, PC laptop, and microphone/audio system).

  • Internet connections may not be available in the conference rooms so all presentations/ videos should be brought to the conference on a USB drive compatible with PCs.

  • Moderators will introduce speakers.

  • Should you choose to submit an abstract for consideration, please keep in mind not all abstracts will be accepted for presentation.

  • Abstracts may be submitted until February 29, 2020 and you will be notified whether or not your abstract submission has been accepted for presentation by March 15, 2020.

  • All presenters are required to register for the conference as well as pay for other conference expenditures and incidentals at their own expense.

Mixed-Species Workshop details and call for papers
